Saturday, February 20, 2010

Marketing Research

The marketing research process used to maintain control over company and collect the most accurate information possible. To go through the marketing research process there are a series of stops marketers should follow. According to Marketing Express the five steps include "(1) locating and defining issues on problems, (2) designing the search project, (3) collecting data, (4) interpreting research findings, (5) reporting research findings." (Pride,118). When a company is designing the research project, it is crucial for marketers to know all of the different types of research. The four types of research are exploratory research, conclusive research, descriptive research and experimental research. Exploratory research is when marketers require the need for more information about a problem to come up with a hypothesis. Conclusive research is used to verify their research through a procedure to help the marketers make decisions. Descriptive research is used to clarify specific phenomena to help solve the problem. Experimental research is used to help make relationships when figuring out a problem. All of these research practices for marketers are ideal to your firm. There are different types of ways marketers should figure out problems in the marketing industry. Lastly, marketers must know which information is reliable and valid. Most people don't believe there is a difference between the two but there is a clear line. If something is valid, your research method is measuring what it is supposed to measure. When something is reliable, it gives you the same information every time, whether it is accurate or not. (Pride, 121) If marketers didn't use The Marketing Research Process, do you believe it would take longer to figure out marketing problems?

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