Saturday, February 13, 2010

In response to Mallory Beam's post...

Do you feel as if marketers are going to become more ethically and socially responsible in the future or stay focused on strictly making money?

Marketing is all about getting your product or service out there and creating a way to attract their target customers. With marketing I believe it is very important to be focused on making money. If that wasn't the case many companies wouldn't spend so much money on their marketing department to get little or no return. At the same time marketers should be conducting in ethical and socially responsible behavior. Not everyone has the same prospective to socially responsible behavior. For example, some people believe it is not socially responsible to be a CEO of a cigarette company because the health risks associated in that industry towards their customers. But at the same time, some people may believe that his position an job industry is ethical. There are so many dimensions to ethics and social responsibility that it's hard to say if marketers will take the money and run or car about their customers. In my personal opinion I think within the laws and regulations in a company, it may force them to practice in a more ethical manor. A thing to think about with laws and regulations are the loop holes. I truly believe marketers can be ethical/socially responsible and still want a high return in profits. No matter what the unethical marketers will always be in our society unfortunately. Do you think marketers are always trying to find the loop holes to act socially irresponsible or, do you think they follow the laws and regulations of the firm to a T?

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